By filmmakers around the world, Davinci Resolve has always been in the realm, and it has been adopted. In fact we have now version, and the version is $299 in one-time purchase, and as added bonus key comes with every camera from the company.. The software is famous for being one of the color grading suites in the world, and sometimes you may be on rush and all you need is fast and usable grade on multiple clips, client what mood you're trying to create. Opening up resolve, we have different clips with different exposures, and all from the camera, in this case, DJI Mavic 2. This is the scenario to apply this kind of correction, and it could work also with different cameras. Starting from the first shot you choose, we go with basic grade. In the video, cases LUTs for bunch of different cameras. In this case, Casey is working on gamma and blacks, and keep in mind that based on the image you're starting with, and most of all what has to be the result, you will need to make different adjustments... So, once you've made your adjustments, in the tab you can shift-select the clips you want to apply the correction to, and then middle-click with the mouse and Resolve will apply the grade to all the other clips you have selected.. There you go, what is left is to go to the tweak node for those that seem little bit off balance and correct them, and if instead, the lighting situations are similar you're ready to go just like that...
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