Photo Getty Images. Microsoft has soon called mulligan and will just replace Surface Pro 4 type that are experiencing screen flickering that makes the tablet-laptop hybrids impossible, Ars Technica reported... Additionally, anyone who paid Microsoft of guarantee repair loans to patch their flickering Surface Pro 4 can request penalty. That could be beautiful chunk of shift, Ars Technica known, as the replacement screens usually ran in the $450 range.... As of many years ago, thousands of users had allegedly experienced the issue,. Videos of the flickering issue show it is not good, which type of goes bit to explain why anyone would be desperate enough to risk permanent damage to categories with the freezer solution.. In case, Flickergate has ended in win for the affected users. Since Surface 4 Pro came out in October 2015, in density has at least few years not after the time expires. So it'd be best to get move-on if you want yours fixed.......
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