In that article, I recounted some of the history of Nisus Writer and of my own involvement with the app and with Nisus Software, stretching back more The Nisus Way, about version of the in 1995. My impression in 2011 was that version 2.0 was major leap forward that finally, after many years, made macOS of the app successor to its Classic predecessor, and something I was excited to use every day.. Because we create long, complex documents with lots of fiddly formatting, the fact that Nisus Writer Pro could handle this work at all was noteworthy. Nisus Writer Pro 2.1 came out in 2015, adding lots of new features and addressing several of the I'd raised in my version 2.0 review It was pretty good, and still lacked few key capabilities that I longed for, and had some irritating bugs. Synchronized Scrolling marvelous feature from Classic version that has reappeared, Synchronized Scrolling lets you lock two windows together, so that as one scrolls, the other scrolls at the same speed. My contact at Nisus Software tells me that this is consequence of using Apple's Cocoa engine. I can work around this with macro that converts our books to Markdown, and then local toolchain that converts Markdown to EPUB, and it's weird and annoying that I have to jump through all those extra hoops.. I've also been wishing for syntax coloring Nisus Writer Pro for many years — that's one of few reasons I still use BBEdit for editing Markdown, HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, Perl, and other such files.. One of them, back in my review of version 2.0, is that changing the beginning of bookmarked string of text behaves from changing the end, yielding unpredictable consequences for cross-references to that bookmark elsewhere in your document. The version of Nisus Writer Express, 3.5.10, is still based on Nisus Writer code base, so it does not share the interface improvements or new features of Nisus Writer Pro 3.0..
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