Experience dramatic new look for your Mac that puts your content front and centre while controls recede into the background.. Capture stills and video of your screen using Screenshot utility... Rotate image, create PDF and more right in Finder using Quick Actions.. Mark up and sign PDFs, crop images, and trim audio and video files using Quick Look... Photograph object or scan nearby using your iPhone, and it automatically appears on your Mac... Discover the app and make the most of those you have with stories, curated collections and videos.. iTunes. Prevent websites from tracking your Mac using simplified system profile that makes you more anonymous online... Create watchlist and view interactive charts that sync across your Mac and iOS devices... Access audio clips from your iPhone on your Mac using iCloud... Added over 70 new emoji characters, including new characters with red hair, grey hair curly hair, new emoji for bald people, more emotive smiley faces and additional emoji representing animals, sports and food...
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