You try your hardest to shoot great interview, you ask the right questions, you pick the right lens, your framing looks great, lighting setup makes you feel like you kind of know what you're doing and addition to your lav mic, you thought ahead and placed boom over the subject.. And then all of sudden the world gives you blower, mower, garbage truck, barking dog, airplane, air conditioner, clinking heat pipes, and best of all, Boy Scouts meeting next door. There are few default equalization presets we use FCPX, including Voice Enhance, Bass Boost, Bass Reduce, and EQ settings.. With EQ settings, however, the issue we've run into is that EQ settings get reset the moment you leave the window and go to another clip. Essentially, once you adjust EQ, and then leave the clip, when you go back and click on the tool EQ levels will be reset. For female interviews, we set the second wheel to 400hz, boost the gain to +5db, and increase the Q - or overall feather, to 2. It's sometimes helpful to overlap the clips, and renaming them room tone, to make life easier... The Izotope RX 5 Audio Editor comes with assortment of other audio repair tools, including De-Noise, De-Click, and De-Hum. Keep in mind, however, that Zynaptiq Unveil will increase the overall levels of your audio, so after applying the plugin you may have to go in and adjust the levels on all your clips... The cost of Zynaptiq Unveil plugin is the same except that Izotope comes with many more tools and features.
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