Fuse, the company that came up with Side Winder organizer for wrangling the extension cord of MacBook, is today out with its product, Side Kick. Side Kick is designed for MacBook Pro's USB-C adapter and is for those users. The version of Side Kick is similar to Pop Sockets designed for iPhone. Both the adhesive that sticks to Side Kick and the mechanism work well even on this early version that I have, so Fuse seems well on the way to completed product.. Size wise, Side Kick does take up most of the space on MacBook Pro adapter, so it may interfere with some other products that use the extension portion of the charger. It's also designed for USB-C cable -- if you use extended cable you'll need Side Winder instead... The cable wraps around neatly with Side Kick extended, and it adds about inch of additional estate to the adapter on the right side. My prototype version of Side Kick is unfinished and is not the best looking accessory at this point time, except Fuse tells me that the product will include sturdier cable notches, whiter finish for the rim and socket, and embossed logo for nicer design.. Yes, Apple removed the cable wrap pop outs along with about every other feature that made owning Mac worth the cost . 4 hours ago at 08 47 am. Yes, Apple removed the cable wrap pop outs along with about every other feature that made owning Mac worth the cost.
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