You know that feeling and the interviews are in language you do not know. The result was Compound Clip that could be watched back and edited into the timeline.. Using Subvert, I was able to Reject the questions from the interviewer while waiting on the translation. Once the translation was ready, Rejects from the interview passed into Compound Clip.. This technique became helpful when making string-outs for one of Premiere editors on the series. I did Rejects FCPX while waiting on the translation. When we got the translation, I ran it through Subvert, set the Browser FCPX to. Hide Rejected., selected all the non-rejected ranges from Event, cut them into Timeline, and translated that timeline into Premiere Pro Project using XtoCC from Intelligent Assistance.. This includes one of my favorite new features creating SRT files from the in your FCPX Project. . Patrick taught FCPX Oklahoma when it came out in 2011.
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