In the video, Josh Enobakhare of Olufemii Tutorials explains technique he utilized to add some eye-catching visuals to video, primarily using masks inside of After Effects CC. Depending on the size of your proxy footage, you may need to adjust the scale of the clip so that it fills the frame. Now, return to the composition and start creating and animating your masks using Mask Path option. To add more intensity to the effect, you can also animate the scale and position of the layer.. head over to Keyframe Interpolation and choose the Bezier option. go into the editor and adjust the keyframe handles to form more exponent-like shape in your animation... The second value, on the other hand, refers to the intensity of the applied effect over the property. You can fix this by adding Motion Tile effect and tweaking Output Width and Height accordingly.. make sure you switch the video clips from the proxies to the original file. Just as with the proxies, double-check and confirm that the size of your video clips matches the dimensions of the composition and you are all set...
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