Multiple Mac models from desktops to laptops were introduced during Apple's event, and Mac Mini could turn out as the most-talked-about addition. It's already generating so much buzz due to its significant gap between the last upgrade. Apple has not touched Mac Mini since 2014, except it's back action with upgraded specifications across the board.. Mac Mini ships with tweaked design with Space Gray color and internal improvements like Intel generation chipset, quad-core and six-core processors and support for up to 64GB of RAM and 2TB of storage. the color adds new look to Mac Mini, it still very much looks like the classic miniature computer that's been around for many years.. Mac Mini enters the era of Apple computers with its vast port offering that includes four Thunderbolt 3 ports, two USB-A ports, HDMI and Ethernet along with powerful internals that make it super appealing desktop for Apple users. Another note Apple harped on was that just like MacBook Air, Mac Mini is made of 100-percent recycled aluminum.. What makes Mac Mini so impressive is its aggressive pricing. Starting at $799, it will be one of the most Macs available right now. The starting model will come with 3.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i3, 8GB of RAM and 128GB of SSD. The Mac Mini maxes out with Intel 4.2Ghz six-core i7 processor, 64GB of RAM and 2TB of storage.. Apple revealed Mac Mini can be ordered today and will be available starting November 7...
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