Simon Cade of YouTube channel DSLRguide need that he should challenge himself to film using format and them that he could find around his house. His resulting clips is relatively good... http youtu. be He uses Canon T3i that he received six years prior that you can purchase for low price also. He then locate some dangle and put it on the not top of his camera. He uses Rode VideoMicro for the digital attaching it to Tascam DR-05 and to basket pole. He blocks out of the light in the room that he is shooting in to completely test his kit. Since the bulb he is using isn't Cade says the trick to get the best possible lighting is to get the light as close to the member as possible without it being visible. However Cade isn't happy with the result believing it looks cheap though he does note that will be the good for some payment. He says that it is probably to just reap in powerful light that you can bobble and defuse or you will use natural sunlight.. He used brand wrack with hung over it to absorb some of the room's echo.. What Cade set out to prove with this video is that using what is only you will be faster and faster way to go..
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