Motion 5 & Final Cut Pro X: 53 built-in fonts To showcase the template features of Motion 5 and Final Cut Pro X, Apple shipped them with a range of fonts to suit every mood. There are 28 font families, as some families have more than one variant there are 53 fonts in total. They are built into each app so that they’re are always available if projects include any Motion templates. Click to see a sample of all the fonts:
They are stored in Final Cut Pro and Motion at Contents / Frameworks / TextFramework.framework / Versions / A / Resources / Fonts. To get inside Final Cut Pro or Motion, right- or control-click the application and choose Show Package Contents from the context menu. If you want to create templates that use these fonts you can make a collection with the Font Book application. 1. Open the fonts folder in Final Cut or Motion, option-drag the fonts to copy them to a new location. 2. Start the Font Book application. 3. Create a new collection named ‘Free Inside FCP X’ and drag the fonts from your hard drive into the new collection.
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