In the movies, you may see long, slow zoom from wide shot, and apart from that, you almost never see zoom. Modern movie FX have also added the super-fast zoom, maybe followed by slo-mo sequence, and unless you're making superhero movie, avoid this.. You may dolly towards the subject, or track across the screen, or use Bourne-movie style shaky-cam for claustrophobic effect. either use dolly, or make sure that you can hold iPhone steady.. iPhone's built-in stabilization is already very good, and of you want to smooth things out, then buy one of those iPhone stabilization rigs. Ask yourself this Would you rather watch movie with shaky-cam, and which maybe breaks up from time to time, or nicely shot movie with dialog that blows out, distorts, and cuts out. Photo Filmic Pro The app is fine, and for more control, including manual focus, you should use dedicated movie app, like Filmic Pro. Filmic is aimed at the pro-level movie maker, with all kinds of manual controls, for everything from exposure, through color balance, to focus. Just tap the Edit button when viewing the video, and then drag on the ends of the little timeline that appears below the video. The edges of the timeline will turn yellow, and you can save the trimmed clip addition to the original..
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