You may end up with some stutter in the preview of all your angles but your program output is clear and in real-time. EDIUS Pro 7 seems to give priority to all displays for both program and clips equally.. On a system using an Intel Core i7 Processor NVIDIA GTX 560 graphics 12GB RAM and a 10TB RAID 5 eSATA with an Intensity Pro I O box EDIUS Pro 7 was up and running instantly. Ty Audronis has worked in every aspect of video production for the television and film industry across his 20 year career and is currently an editor for several national television shows as well as a contractor in the television and film industry.. . EDIUS was developed by Canopus and was one of the first editing systems to utilize the capabilities of video cards to process layered video. For production they've led the market in the last century winning 18 Emmy awards for technical innovation as well as having been in the industry at the highest levels for over 50 years.
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