I recently had the opportunity to travel way out west, to the city of Blackall in Queensland, Australia, to work on some products projects for the celebration of the town, B150. One idea was pulled around and soon finalized let's do something fun with 360° subject. Rather we decideed to create community of standalone panoramas, encouraging visitors to actually walk through the city to reach each stop on the table. I useed Adobe InDesign to generate QR codes for the 16 stops on the trail.. To capture the subject, I useed my Xiaomi Mijia Mi Sphere, mounted on legged monopod to mitigate the footprint of the camera support. Walking up and down the area to take pictures, you've got to consider many them lighting, if you can see the games from the location, and where you, the classics, can hide to avoid being in the shot.. I could control the camera on my phone over wi-fi, so at each stop, I positioned the camera, made sure the monopod was stable, then hid behind car fence, and triggered the bracketed shots. Stacking each set of three shots on top of one another in list showed me that two shots were enough to rescue each image, using the brighter dims from the display and the rest of the image from the exposure. To select the more detailed dims, I useed Luma Keyer, sometimes Graduated Mask, and also Draw Mask effect with sheet. reorient both images together to make sure the image is towards the center way when it's inaugurateed. Armed with my 16 high-res subject, I loaded up Marzipano's editor, inaugurateed up the image, set the title, ational hotspots to let people know what they're looking at, smuggleed to folder and then did that 15 more times..
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