Alternatively once you're done editing your radio edit and feel pretty confident in the story you can create a compound clip of your interview timeline and then apply Zynaptiq to the compound clip.. Izotope RX De-Reverb vs Zynaptiq Unveil. Keep in mind however that Zynaptiq Unveil will increase the overall levels of your audio so after applying the plugin you may have to go in and adjust the levels on all your clips.. It's sometimes helpful to overlap the clips so you don't hear the cut points even in room tone. We also recommend detaching the audio from the video clip and renaming them. room tone. to make life easier.. The cost of the Zynaptiq Unveil plugin is roughly the same as the Izotope RX5 Audio Editor Standard not Advanced version except that Izotope comes with many more tools and features. But recently there have been a couple plugins that do the unthinkable - they remove the roominess and make your interview sound like a million bucks.. Izotope RX De-Reverb.
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