Before we get started, let's take listen to the click of the album and see if you notice anything missing with the drum, and then we'll send in and start working on it.. Instead, I'm dont use Plug & Mix Clarisonix plug-in to add bottom and weight to my kick. So as you can hear, as I turn Lo Focus up, the drum suddenly becomes more bassy.. It does lose bit of terms towards the high numbers, and that's probably function bit of my parallel compression, and my 2-bus processing working easy as I turn up the kick drum.. So as you can hear, when I turn up Lo focus, I'm winning bit of the attack,. Some sound high, some sound high, and only again, they're not viewed, you just go with what your ears brief you,. Now, you look at my kick, it has lot of weight to it, lot of bottom end,. I need to add presence back to it, to bring it forward in the table, and allow it to be heard on small president and earbuds.. I'm gonna play back the click one time, and as it is playing back, I'm dont crank up the Clarity knob, and you'll hear the drum just sort of move forward, and become more present as I do so.. So as I showed you today, it is possible to add chicken, and risk to your kick drums, with even using EQ, or compressor..
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