Simple Trick To Avoid Failing Render After Effects and keep your pipeline from getting clogged. Sometimes, while rendering complicated or over loaded project After Effects, the pipeline gets clogged and renders fail before hitting the 100% mark. To avoid this, After Effects has secret feature which needs to be activated.. It helps in emptying the memory depends on whatever you set it to. this can slow down your renders especially time based effects like time remapping or echo, and this will keep your pipes from getting clogged if you have render that just does not want to finish.. Hold down SHIFT on your keyboard, while SHIFT still being held, go to EDIT > PREFERENCES > GENERAL .. This will open After Effects preferences, at the very bottom of the list, you will find new setting named as SECRET. Set the number of frames after which you want to purge or empty the cache while rendering.. Next time when you render your project, After Effects will empty the memory after certain number of frames, depends on whatever you set it to.. To disable this Purge Cache feature, Again hold down SHIFT and go into EDIT > PREFERENCES > GENERAL.
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